Decorating The Tree

Nicky helped me decorate the tree this weekend more pictures here). His interest lasted about 5 minutes, which was perfect. Afterwards, daddy showed him his version of helping…sleeping on the couch while mommy did all the work. Sounds like slacking, but it was great to have my little helper contained on the couch while I got all the breakable oranments out of the box and onto the highest branches of the tree. The oranaments on the lower branches were carefully selected to stand up to frequent patting, swinging and even biting in the case of the gingerbread men ornaments, which apparently look very realistic.


Christmas Tree

IMG_8465 We got our Christmas tree this weekend (pictures here). While it’s not nearly as cool as my family’s tradition, which is to drive up into the mountains to “murder” (Sam’s words, not mine) a tree growing in the forest, we’ve made a little tradition out of going up to a farm on Skyline to cut down our tree. Nicky was not too excited about walking around at the Christmas tree farm (I don’t blame him…unnatural place), but he did love the hot chocolate we brought with us. After a quick hike to a nearby lake we called it a day and headed back home with our tree.

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Doctor Visit

Nicky and Kate had a joint visit to the doctor this week.  Nicky for his 2 year check up and Kate for her 1 month.  The kids did great until the dreaded S-H-O-T-S.  The first prick didn’t even faze Nicky and I thought we would make it out of there all in one piece.  Not so the second – he definitely felt that one and lost it immediately.  Then it was baby sister’s turn.  The needle had barely touched her skin when she turned bright red and started Screaming. Bloody. Murder.  So there we were: one mommy holding two screaming kiddles both of whom were mad as heck.  But somehow we did end up making it out alive. 

Official stats:
Kate – 22.9 inches (91st percentile) and 9 lbs 15 ounces (63rd percentile)
Nick – 36.5 inches (92nd percentile) and 30 lbs 9 ounces (80th percentile)

Interesting tidbit: based on an online height predictor calculator (I’m sure very reliable), my little Nicky will grow up to be 6’3″. I guess not surprising given his genes, but I remember when he was less than 2 feet tall. How is it possible that he’ll ever be taller than me?