Halloween Extravaganza

On Friday we had an all day Halloween celebration. I took the day off and took the kids to the Halloween party at their preschool followed by trick or treating the Goblin Walk in a nearby town. This is always one of my favorite days of the year, but it’s also one of the most exhausting. Bounce houses, petting zoo, cookies, candy, parades, horse rides, and masses and masses of kids in costumes. I tackled the Goblin Walk by myself this year with two kiddos walking. Last year only the fact that Kate could be strapped into a stroller kept me from losing anybody. This year she was walking so I strapped her monkey backpack leash on over her costume, which she tolerated for a little bit before wanting more freedom. We had a very near miss at one point when Nicky thought we were ahead of him and I thought he was behind us and we both ran off in different directions trying to find each other. Luckily a friend caught sight of him and pointed me in the right direction, but it was still a terrifying couple of minutes. I’ve made my annual promise that I’m never going to do the Goblin Walk again, but we’ll see if that holds come next year!





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