Potty Training Express

Nicky’s teacher has declared tomorrow is the day. She’s asked us to bring Nicky in undies along with piles of extra pants, socks and even shoes. They’ve been slowly introducing Nicky to the potty over the last couple weeks at school. Yesterday he came home with 7 stickers on his shirt, each for a time that he peed on the potty. This morning was the first time he agreed to try at home since his birthday. There were very minimal results, but he was so proud. We’ve had a couple rounds of trying to introduce this at home and school and each time we’ve had to back off when he’s gotten overwhelmed. We know he can control it because every day at school he pees in the little play house on the playground with his friend Emily watching. We’ve never made it as far as undies though, so hopefully this time will take. Looks like we’re in for a messy weekend!

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