Bay Area Discovery Museum

We had a water-focused Family Fun Day on Sunday to celebrate Sam’s birthday.  We started out at the Bay Area Discovery Museum in Marin (pictures here) and had lots of fun exploring and chasing birds.  We’d been there once before when Nicky was barely walking and had done one or two of the activities but this time got to explore a lot more and had a lot of fun!  The highlight is, of course, the water feature.  We came prepared this time with extra clothes so Nick splashed and played to his heart’s content. 

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After the BADM and a long nap to recover, we spent some time running through the sprinkler in the back yard and then went to the pool to go swimming.  I’ve never seen a happier boy in the pool.  He was so cold his little lips were shivering but he kept refusing to get out and the whole time we were there had the biggest smile on his face.  It was so nice to spend the day playing in the sun!

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